Have you purchased one of our Candles with Hidden Crystals in them and are looking for more information on your crystal? or you are just looking to learn more about what each crystal is about? This page is to help you understand more about the meanings and benefits of each type of crystal. We will updtae this page often with new crystals.
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It can awaken you to higher wisdom and connect you to guidance from beyond the physical world, but it’s just as effective as a stone for physical healing too. As well as soothing headaches and joint pain, Amethyst also has an aura of tranquility about it.

Carnelian is also connected to your sacral chakra, where many of life’s pleasures are felt and processed. If you have been suffering a little less lust for life than usual, Carnelian is the stone you need to reinvigorate your joie de vivre and have you chomping at the bit to succeed.

But alongside strengthening these parts of ourselves, Citrine also promotes the idea of growth. That’s growth of an individual, growth in a relationship, growth in financial abundance – anything you turn its powers towards.
Citrine boosts your confidence accordingly too, so if you’ve been feeling on the back foot lately, turn to this crystal to help you get back on track and ready to speak your piece.

Fluorite is a popular meditation aid, not least since adopting a state of utmost calm and a quiet mind is so important for entering the meditative state. However, you can also use it if you have been having problems sleeping, by placing it beneath your pillow.

Yet that reputation for protection, inspiration, motivation and healing that Jade has is just as accurate today. This is a beautiful, versatile and highly sought after stone, and its energies and beauty only seem to become greater with age.
Jade offers wisdom and abundance to those willing to work with its energies, and it can open your eyes to the innate duality of life.

If you often feel bowled over by the strong personalities of others, or otherwise have a difficult time overcoming boisterous people, this crystal can not only keep you safe, but also help you to speak your mind. However, Obsidian is also a stone of self reflection, and it will coax you to examine and work on the imperfections within you that you’d otherwise not face up to.

Red Jasper and its energies are inherently nurturing, and they encourage you to cut yourself some slack if things are going wrong or if you make lapses in judgment. Similarly, if you have been unwell, the energies of this stone can help you to make a faster recovery.

This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out.

Golden Healer Quartz is a high-vibration crystal and a master healer, just like Gold. It will raise your vibrations, amplify your intentions, and release any blockages that are present in your body and in your life.



It encourages a positive attitude, it is an uplifting stone, Goldstone is said to promote vitality, and help to lift anxious people to a happier mindset.
Goldstone’s sparkle comes from flecks of copper set in glass. The color red is always associated with the root chakra.
In physical healing it has the same attributes as copper helping soothe conditions of the joints and reducing stomach complaints stemming from anxiety.